Thursday 12 February 2009

Put On Weight Look Younger

I expect to see this headline emblazoned in bold type across the covers of future editions of glamour and beauty magazines, because I reckon it's true. Obviously I have absolutely no medical evidence to back this theory up, except for my eyes. Yes, I can see with my two eyes that people I know who have put on weight, not just a few pounds but a good couple of healthy stone, actually look younger than they are. Maybe it's because their faces have filled out and stretched their skin leaving less wrinkles, I honestly don't know, but they definitely appear to look younger and dare I say they have a healthy glow about them, (although this may be due to dangerously high blood pressure).
I also know some people who have lost weight and have now become addicted to their new training regimes and workouts at their local gym and they look burst. Literally burst, like deflated balloons, their skin, which once was full, now saggy and forlorn. So to sum up, my two eyes tell me that overweight people look a lot younger than they are and have a nice glow about them and thin, fit people look spent and completly knackered. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to eat three of these, so I can fit some stabilisers back onto my old tricycle.

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