Wednesday 27 May 2009

Brooke Hogan Is Classy

Album art can either make or break the sale of a band's latest endeavour. Through the ages there have been some classics, which in fairness have been more memorable than the songs and some have been downright awful, which neatly links us to this fucking eyesore.
Hulk Hogan's mega rich daughter is a tad confused as to what to do with her life, so just like all the other rich kids in America she's launched a pop career and here is the artwork for her second album. As you can see Brooke has plumped for a cover which would look more at home if it had been airbrushed onto the side of a Californian paedophile's converted van or the bonnet of some mid-life crisis suffering 65 year-old's Trans Am. Not to mention the fact that she obviously sees herself as some hybrid belly dancing angel with white hair? Classy, subtle, understated, just like her vest wearing, perma-tanned old man.

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