Thursday 28 May 2009

For Queen & Country

The Queen won't be present at this year's D-Day event in France, which will take place next week in Normandy, to commemorate 65 years since the allied invasion during World War II. In fact not one single member of the royal family will attend. Apparently the Palace are spinning some shite about how the Queen never received any official invitation, but French authorities are denying they snubbed her and have explained that she and any other member of the royal family are more than welcome to attend. But even now that the obvious air of confusion has been cleared, the Queen and her posse aren't that fucking bothered, as the Palace issued the following statement:

"We would like to reiterate that we have never expressed any sense of anger or frustration at all, and are content with all the arrangements that are planned."

Content? What does that even mean? You are happy to sit at home while the rest of the world pays tribute to the thousands of men and women who spilt their blood on the beaches of Normandy, for their country and their Queen, because you didn't get an invite?
Make yourself a fucking invite. Get up off your old, wrinkly royal arse and find some card from the palace stationary drawer, throw some glitter over it, pritt stick an old war picture on the front, post it to yourself then put your default, bland, non-descript ceremony frock on and shift you and your Nazi husband over there double time, you sour-faced old cow!

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