Monday 9 February 2009

This Weekend In Filum

By Frisbee Dog

Blot 3D - anyone who sees this and says "it was just missing that Pixar magic, and was not quite as good as Finding Nemo/The Incredibles" take them out the front of the cinema and shoot them in the face, hard. These films are not made for you, you twat. Way and greet about Star Wars. I enjoyed the shit out of this. Has anyone else noticed that the only American films to show a realistic proportion of the American characters as being chronically obese are Pixar/Disney. True story - check it out. At least 80% are fat fucks and in the cartoons they are quite fat too. The 3D effect was as usual absolutely spot on and largely subtle in use (I'm looking at you Journey To The Centre Of The Earth), but its impossible to describe, so I'm not going to bother my arse.

The Good, The Bad, The Weird - good old South Korea. If ever you were feeling that every film is the same all the way through watch one of these bad boys cos the whip pans between violence, stunning cinematography and bizarre wince inducing slapstick would give the hulk a sore neck. Again I enjoyed this nonsense, because, hey it was fun and well made and was made to be fun. Not high art, but fun. Take a chuck up you Guinness supping, decent electronic producing, under nutbag commie fellas.

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