Monday 9 February 2009

What A Crock Of Shit

"OMG I can't believe dat shit", "Dude WTF, that shit is messed up", ROTFL This is fucking hilarious. I love it". These are just some of the comments left by people who have heard the following prank radio call on the Internet and have been seduced by it's sugary, sweet lies.
There is absolutely nothing genuine about this prank call "gone wrong" and I could list a hundred fucking reasons why, but instead I'll list just two:
1. The set up - You won't come across a neater set-up than this. It starts with a challenge and then the first arc of the call is delivered as the caller is informed what she has to do to succeed, which then drives us neatly into the second arc of the call the "reveal" which propels us to the third and final arc of the call the all important "twist". A perfect three arc storyline which even Shakespeare would be proud of.
2. If this call were genuine the DJs involved and their employers would be sued fucking senseless for their inappropriate actions by causing unnecessary stress and trauma to the man and woman involved. The lawsuit would make the news and everybody and their fucking dog would know about it. Needless to say that hasn't happened.

Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.

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